
Season. Over.

We traveled to Konya (home of Rumi and the Whirling Dervishes) for game two. The crowd was great, a packed arena that made me feel like I was playing basketball again. Unfortunately we just weren't good enough to win the game. We played them tough, but we had some foul trouble and lost a key player to a sprained ankle midway through the first quarter. Ended up having to play two players who haven't played more than 5 minutes all season...combined.

With the loss means the end of the season. I got a call from management today, my flight is tomorrow afternoon. Flying through Frankfurt to Boston. Hopefully I can get out of Frankfurt, but I don't know with all this volcanic ash floating around.

So now it's the offseason. Going to Peru and Chile with Alisa on April 25th, so that will be really cool. Other than that, who knows.

Thanks for following along this shortened season, hope the blog was not a total waste of your time!

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