
If you ever come to Turkey...

Avoid taxis as much as possible. In the four taxi rides I’ve taken by myself, the drivers have gone the wrong way twice. Both times it happened at the same fork in the road. Where the taxi needs to go left to go to my part of Istanbul, they go right. This adds on an extra 10-12 minutes to the ride, which translates to about eight bucks.

Although it seems possible they may have made this mistake on accident, both times it happened they went right despite my protests and gestures for them to go left. They then proceed past the only turnaround spot, and then…eureka! They understand what I was saying and are sorry! I’m not sure what’s worse: Them stealing my money by going the wrong way, or insulting my intelligence by pretending it was an accident. Just because I don’t speak Turkish doesn’t mean I’m a moron.

In other news, we have a game tomorrow against the team in 2nd place. We are currently 4th. It will be a tough game, we're missing our starting point guard which really hurts because we are a young team. He suffered a separated shoulder after being slammed to the ground on a layup attempt in our last game. In typical European basketball fashion no foul was called.

1 comment:

  1. side note: dont take taxis in Boise either. They pay more attention to their laptops then their driving skills.
