
Visitors, Visitors, & Sprained Ankles

This is a bit delayed but last weekend (before last) we were very lucky to host some lovely visitors… my cousin Lisa and her husband Benson! Coincidentally Glenn’s little brother was also in town/country visiting, so our flat was almost full to capacity!

As Lisa and Benson are currently living outside of Venice it was just a little Ryan Air flight over the water to visit us in Dublin. They arrived in on Friday, and as soon as I got out of work we headed to one of my favorite local pubs for some delish beef pot pies… mmmh! After the travels and a bit of walking around the city we decided to call it an early night so they could rest up for a big Saturday of sight-seeing. After visiting some of the main local sights (Kilmainham Goal, Guinness Storehouse, and Jameson Distillery) we had a nice dinner and wee bit of a house party with some of our friends here before hitting the town. I think my fam was impressed with the crazy night-life that Dublin has to offer… as the reputation suggests… Irish people looove the weekends!

Sunday we did some more walking around the city and as we had mild weather we took a bike ride around Phoenix Park.

We stumbled upon the resident 300+ deer that live in the park…always shocking to see how close they let you get.

Anyways later that night we all went to the one sports pub in town that shows American football to watch the playoffs (enough said there). Overall it was a quick trip but I think everyone had a ball! And I am very excited to go visit them in a few weeks time and try out the slopes in Italy!

Onto the ankle. So that next Tuesday the guys had a big big game. Opponent: a team called ‘Ballin.’ Earlier in the season the Tolka Rovers had an unfortunate severe loss to Ballin, which is the 2nd best team in all of Ireland. This time around, after a few months of practicing together, Tolka proved to be a worthy opponent for Ballin. With Glenn’s little bro in town, and the usual cheering crowd of our friends Franzie and Marine, the stands were packed! The game was excellent, back and forth, with Tolka leading by a few points almost the entire game. Then the worst thing happened: in the mid 3rd quarter after jumping for a rebound the big guy, Brayden, landed on another guy, and Brayden was out of the game w/ a terrible sprained ankle! As Brayden sat on the sideline for a few minutes the team started to struggle and got down as far as 7… then… a pained Brayden on the bench starts to tape his own ankle (no physio at the game) and lace up an ankle brace. Hobbling out onto the court Brayden played the last 8 or so minutes and the team rallied to win by 1!!! It was a tremendous effort, but in the aftermath lay Brayden’s un-recognizable ankle. Dave and I accompanied him to the hospital to confirm there was no fracture thankfully… but as you can see this was quite the injury… We will keep you posted on this one!

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