

First sorry for the lack of posts recently. Who knew doing a masters program and playing for two basketball teams would take up so much time?!?! I'll try to be better about the posting.

Anybody who knows Alisa knows she won't let Halloween pass quietly into the night. We started out by carving pumpkins. I improved quite a bit from last year. In fact I didn't even have to get Alisa to finish mine for me this year! It's funny, we always think our pumpkins are good until our friends (read: Alisa's friends) start posting theirs on facebook. Here are ours:

Alisa's has the menacing eye brows, while mine looks like Cartman.
The week leading up to Halloween was a bit hectic as Alisa was trying to figure out costumes for Sat/Sun nights for the both of us. Thursday afternoon she came up with a great idea, deciding to be a lumberjack. This of course entailed me being a tree. Although I do suppose it's a rather fitting costume.

For my costume Alisa went to a fabrics store and purchased a couple yards of plastic, brown, tarp-like fabric. I was quite skeptical of my costume to begin with, but Alisa did a great job creating it. She fashioned a hat out of the leftover fabric and taped scrunched up napkins all over it. It turned out pretty well, and several people attempted to climb me during the night. Yes, it was as awkward as it sounds.

Alisa's costume was pretty good as well. She wore her work boots, some borrowed jean shorts and a flannel shirt. Then she made an ax from scratch with a pole, some cardboard and tin foil.

While we weren't quite as scary as we were last year...

Last year

It was pretty terrifying when Alisa axed me down!

Before going out we invited my coach and bunch of my teammates over. It was a great time. !

Clockwise from upper left: Construction worker (teammate), Joe Jonas (teammate), tree, lumberjack, nurse (coach's wife), lifeguard (coach), Bruno Mars (Glenn - roommate/teammate), Little Red Riding Hood (team physio).

1 comment:

  1. **HIGH FIVE** Alisa!! Halloween should always be celebrated and pumpkin carving is fun!! Matt and I did one this year and he made a yoshi while I love pumpkin carving so much, I made 2 pictures! One with a cat on the moon and a cyclops pumpkin.

    Another high five to Alisa for thinking of the most clever costume around! Tree and lumberjack, very original! :D

    Happy to see you guys are in the holiday spirit!!

    Now time for CHRISTMAS!! I wonder if Europe commercialises the hell out of Xmas like the states... doubt it.
