
Our Home-Gym & the Donore Harriers

If we haven’t already mentioned it, Ireland is really expensive. Shockingly expensive. For example it is the 2nd most expensive country in the EU for groceries (behind the Danes). One of my first serious awakenings to this sad fact was my attempt to join a gym. Shortly after arriving in August I began looking, surveying, touring and trying all the gyms in our area. To my dismay, the Irish have a different take on fitness, and there was really only one decent gym close enough for me to run to. 100€ joining fee + 79€ per month ($141 + $111/month). At home, I pay $30/month for a gym 3 times as large. I understand that it’s a different culture etc, however I could not live with myself paying that! And if anyone would get their money’s worth at a gym it’d be me. Anyways, this led to the birth of our very own home gym!

Luckily, we have this large area of our apartment that is just awkwardly large with no functionality or purpose... until now! As you can see we have state of the art equipment... hehe. Braydens coach, Dave, donated a weight bench and dumbbells, I got an exercise bike, mat, and ball, and there we go! I think by Irish standards we could probably charge at least 20€ a month entry, but I prefer having it be our ‘private’ gym.

Of course this gym is only a supplement to my running workouts, which are now getting pretty intense with my new club, the Donore Harriers. I was running in the park one day back in August when I clearly saw a track club doing a workout on a big beautiful grass track. I went back the same time the following week and the coach (who is the nicest/funniest little old Irish runner-guy ever) invited me to join. Since then I’ve been doing their track workouts on Tuesday, long run on Thursday, and hill workout on Saturdays. I joined the club to stay in shape and meet people, but go figure this club is serious about racing! Despite my strong desire to not race, I’ve gotten roped in! Two weeks ago we had our 1st race, my 1st XC race of my life... a 3K. I did pretty well, 4th out of 60+ girls and 1st for my club. But, unfortunately this means they want me to keep racing... ug! Apparently there is a lack of exciting news in Dublin and I even made the sports section of the paper! Hehehe.

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