
Phoenix Park

I had this weekend off and had the opportunity to do a little sight-seeing. Luckily I live in a great location, so I walked down to Phoenix Park, about 5 minutes away. It is the biggest enclosed city park in Europe. It's so big it has wild deer running around.

Anyway, it was pretty cool. There is a huge cross that marks the spot where the Pope offered mass to over a million people in 1978. The coolest part about that was that Ireland's population in 1978 was around 3 million. That means about a third of the people came to see the Pope. Apparently Catholicism is pretty big here. Ha.

Also of note was the HUGE obelisk that towers over the park. You can see it from any point in the park, and from many parts of Dublin. It is the second biggest obelisk in the world after our Washington Monument in D.C.

Anyway, Wellington was born in Ireland but ended up being a pretty significant general for the British. For example, he was the one who defeated Napolean at Waterloo. So the British decided to build him a huge monument. They built this monument, plus several others monuments dedicated to less impressive British people, scattered around Phoenix Park and the rest of Ireland. This didn't sit to well with the Irish people. Apparently people don't like being reminded of the time in their history when they were subjugated. Who knew??

The rest of the monuments were destroyed by the Irish Republican Army. The most famous of which being Nelson's Pillar in 1966. But the giant obelisk that looms over Dublin has yet to be destroyed, presumably because it is so large.


  1. might visit you next year along with paris. no definite plans yet. but i got matt to go to paris too. so we hope to see you! how long are you in dublin?

    also, i'll get around to sending you the original picture file.

    been busy. but still have time to check up on your adventures!

  2. Thanks Kim!

    We'll be in Dublin until May/June. But I'll be really busy at the end with finals and stuff. If you visit earlier that'd be awesome. Dublin is worth it.
