So I thought I'd catch up writing on this blog. I'm currently in Tokyo, we lost last night by 10. We play again tonight, and I'm so glad today wasn't a day game because it was, I may not have been able to play. Words wouldn't do justice to physicality of this league. My body has taken some shots this season.
Even though we lost, there were some silver linings. We got to play against a famous A

nd1 player, named Helicopter. His real name is something Humphrey. I don't know his first name, I think maybe John but I'll just go with Something instead. What else....oh the coach for the Tokyo Apache is Joe Bryant, father of possibly the most famous Bryant ever to grace this Earth. Joe is really tall, I almost see eye-to-eye with him. For some reason I feel like this is something you need to know.
Als0 my friend Austin Yuen came down to watch our game. Austin is from Mercer Island, we grew up playing together. We graduated MIHS together in 2003 and yada yada yada. It was nice to see him, I'm a bit jealous as this weekend his team travels to Okinawa. While their results will probably not be too good, at least the weather will be.
Here is a picture of the Seattle guys hanging out in a McDonald's on a late Thursday night.
GOAL FREE LECTURE/DINNER/THINGWhat else has been going on....Oh our team had a big dinner thing with the main sponsor of our team. Our main sponsor is named Goal Free, which is a company that provides aft

erschool education. Like a second school I guess. Apparently the President of Goal Free is fed up with our free throw shooting ability (ha!) and wanted to give us a sermon about concentration or something. Now I'm not sure what the Japanese guys got out of this educational opportunity, but I know it would have worked betterf for me if it was A) in a language I could understand and/or B) wasn't a two hour lecture following a 3 hour practice with no opportunity to cram something into my stomach. Apparently I can't focus if I lift, watch film, practice and go to a 2 hour session on concentration given in Japanese by an old wrinkly guy who keeps yelling at me for no apparent reason. Who knew?
But I got to give the old dude some props, after the sermon we headed to a "Korean-style" BBQ for dinner. I say "Korean-style" because all the Japanese guys said it was Korean, but the one Korean person I know said it was nothing like Korean-style. But it was undeniably the best steak I have had in a couple years. That was damn good food.
Here are the Americans in our Backstreet pose.
NARAA couple weeks ago I went to Nara. I tried to do a blog post, but the pictures weren't coming in right and I just got frustrated and said to hell with it.
Anyway, Nara is a pretty c

ool city. About an hour south of Kyoto. It was the Imperial capital for about 80 years or so. They have the largest wooden structure in the world, as well as the biggest statue of Buddha. But those aren't the coolest part about Nara. The coolest part about Nara is the fact that they have deer running around everywhere. When I say everywhere, I mean these deer are damn near omnipresent. You can even buy little deer biscuits to feed them. I purchased the biscuits, but I wouldn't do it again. After purchasing the biscuits I turned around to see a crowd of 12 deer surrounding me. Smart little effers. I took the biscuits out of the wrapping and tried to move away from the biscuit cart so the deer wouldn't be tempted to overrun it. The deer obviously weren't interested in me fleeing, so they tried to block me in. It felt like I was swimming up a river of deer. I started to feed one of the deer when I felt

a nip on my thigh. I ignored it, assuming a deer had headbutted me or something. Then I felt another. And another. My first instict was to start bopping these deer on their heads, but since they are sort of a civic treasure and all I figured that would only end badly for me. In order to avoid extradition I chose to flee the deer, scattering the biscuits behind me as I ran. Fortunately the deer were distracted enough by the biscuits to allow for my timely escape. Pictures!